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Board Notes - Regular Meeting December 9, 2024

Watch the December 9, 2024 meeting here

The Board posts all meeting materials to Simbli, and also displays a calendar of Board and committee meetings on the OCS website. Visit the Board’s page on Simbli for agendas and minutes. Minutes are attached to each meeting, after approval by the Board at a future meeting.


Special Education Day

Special Education Day celebrates and acknowledges the students, educators, related services providers, families, and community members whose efforts and collaboration ensure every student has access to an inclusive and empowering educational experience. This recognition highlights our district’s commitment to building equitable and affirming learning environments where all students with disabilities can succeed.

New Hope Elementary School National ESEA Distinguished Schools Award (Title I), NC's Top 10 in Category 2: Schools That Have Closed the Achievement Gap Between Student Groups

Under the instructional and strategic leadership of Dr. Meredith Maier, Principal, New Hope Elementary has been able to close the achievement gap between subgroups of students and is currently ranked in the top 10 in the state for closing the achievement gap between student groups.

View our recognition of this award on the OCS website

Principal Dr. Meredith Maier represents New Hope Elementary at luncheon for top 10 schools in closing achievement gaps


NCSBA Bell Award for Whole-Board Recognition (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)

The North Carolina School Boards Association (NCSBA) is very pleased to present the Orange County Board of Education with a Silver Bell Award for Whole-Board Recognition, meaning every member of the board has earned training credit during the previous academic year. This dedication to continuous learning and growth reflects our shared mission of ensuring that every student, regardless of background, has equal access to opportunities and resources that support their success.


The Board approved Consent Agenda items including meeting minutes, personnel report, contracts, course approvals, and policy updates. To learn how the Board considers and adopts new and updated Board Policies, see Board Policy 2410.


Policy 4150: School Assignment and Transfers

This item was moved from the Consent Agenda for Discussion by the Board to make one change to the proposed text of the policy for legal compliance.

Letter to General Assembly on Staff Pay Increases

Per the Board: “Over the past year, inflation has impacted our nation and our state. According to the North Carolina Commerce Department, the Median Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) inflation rate for North Carolina over the past year is approximately 3.8%. Multiple media reports have discussed this, as have press releases issued by several members of the General Assembly.

“On behalf of the Orange County Board of Education, we implore the General Assembly to pass a modified education budget with at least 5.0% across-the-board pay increases for certified and non-certified staff. You have received this request from other Boards of Education across North Carolina, and we unanimously join them in making this request.”

Spot Reassignment Recommendation

In 2022, the Board determined that the Havenstone neighborhood would be redistricted from Efland-Cheeks Elementary School and Orange High School to Central Elementary School and Cedar Ridge High School. The Board agreed at that time to allow students to continue to attend their current school with transportation ending for 2023-2024. Due to multiple factors, the transportation was not updated for these students, and OCS continues to have multiple buses service this neighborhood. 

Click here for the report to the Board on Spot Reassignment, and see discussion here.


2024 Safe Routes to School Plan (Orange County Transportation)

During the past year, Orange County Transportation and the citizen advisory OUTBoard (Orange Unified Transportation Board) has engaged with Orange County Schools staff and representatives of other government and planning agencies to inform stakeholders about the benefits of adopting the 2024 SRTS Plan. 

Orange County Transportation Planning staff has presented the attached 2024 plan to County Commissioners, as well as to MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organizations) and RPO (Rural Planning Organizations). The goal is to ensure adoption and engagement so that NCDOT and other stakeholders will receive timely guidance for projects that affect all forms of transportation for Orange County Schools students and families: buses, student drivers, pedestrians, and the motoring public. Learn more from this presentation by Mr. Nishith Trivedi to the Board.

Environmental Health & Safety Update - Fall 2024 Indoor Air Quality Report

OCS conducts Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) testing twice each year in the Spring and Fall. This provides vital information to ensure the highest air quality standard for students and staff. First Call Cleaning & Restoration, Inc, vendor collects air quality samples, which are sent to an independent third party testing facility. The IAQ report lists needed improvements along with routine maintenance procedures. Review the report and presentation here.

Exceptional Children (EC) Programming Update

This staff update to the Board outlined recent improvements and ongoing initiatives within the EC Department with goals to be achieved by June 2025:

  • Professional Development: Ensuring educators, administrators, and related service providers are equipped with best practices and resources to deliver high-quality, individualized support.
  • Program Expansion: Introducing new programs for pre-k and resources to meet a wider range of disabilities, including supports for behavioral, academic, and social-emotional needs.
  • Family and Community Engagement: Enhancing communication and collaboration with families and community stakeholders to ensure a holistic approach to each student’s education.
  • Resource Allocation: Assessing and addressing resource needs to meet demand, prioritize program efficiency, and ensure compliance with IDEA, NC Policy and our district's strategic goals. 

Ombuds Quarterly Report (Q2)

The Office of the Ombuds provides a safe, confidential space where employees can discuss concerns, seek guidance, and explore solutions without fear of retaliation. The Office of the Ombuds began on Monday, August 19, 2024. From that time to the end of Quarter Two of this school year, there are not enough total visits to report an overall number. For more details, see the slide presentation here.

Click below for the schedule of Board and Board Committee meetings.

Board Meeting Schedule

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