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Board Notes - Regular Meeting for October 21, 2024

Watch the October 21 Board Meeting

The Board posts all meeting materials to Simbli, and also displays a calendar of Board and committee meetings. Visit the Board’s page on Simbli for agendas and minutes. Minutes are attached to each meeting, after approval by the Board at a future meeting.


2024-2025 Principal of the Year

This year, Mr. Jason Johnson will serve as the 2024-2025 Principal of the Year and represent Orange County Schools in the Wells Fargo Principal of the Year competition. Learn more on the OCS website and view the recognition on YouTube.


2024-2025 Beginning Teacher of the Year

Three exceptional beginning teachers were nominated for Beginning Teacher of the Year:

  • Robin Rebilas, Exceptional Children Teacher, Efland Cheeks Global Elementary School
  • Hannah Gobert, Elementary Education Teacher, New Hope Elementary School
  • Layla Allen, Science Teacher, Cedar Ridge High School

Ms. Layla Allen, who teaches science for students with limited English proficiency at CRHS, will represent Orange County School in the NCCAT 2024-2025 Beginning Teacher of the Year program. Learn more on the OCS website and view the recognition on YouTube.


2024-2025 NCAEA Art Educators of the Year

North Carolina Art Education Association (NCAEA) yearly recognizes and honors outstanding art educators. For 2024-2025, Orange County Schools has two teachers awarded this distinguished statewide honor.

  • Sarah Brown Schumacher, Visual Arts Teacher, Efland-Cheeks Global Elementary, won NCAEA Elementary Art Educator of the Year 2024-25 2025.
  • Amanda Aguayo, Visual Arts Teacher at Gravelly Hill Middle School, won NCAEA Middle Level Art Educator of the Year 2024-2025.  

Both Ms. Schumacher and Ms. Aguayo will be presented with this award and recognized at the North Carolina Art Education Association state conference in November. Learn more on the OCS website and view the recognition on YouTube.


Red Ribbon Week

Red Ribbon Week is the largest and longest running drug-use prevention campaign. It takes place each year from October 23rd through October 31st. The mission of this campaign is to mobilize communities, educate youth, and encourage drug prevention. Schools and districts across the nation recognize this week by providing information and hosting events and activities that shine a light on the importance of staying drug-free. Learn more about this recognition.



The Board approved Consent Agenda items including meeting minutes, personnel report and recommendations, financial reports and budget amendments, purchasing and service contracts, and policy updates. To learn how the Board considers and adopts new and updated Board Policies, see Board Policy 2410.



New Administrative Regulation on Title IX Complaint Procedures (1710-P)

The Board authorized staff to cease the application of NCSBA Model Policy 1725, to allow for the adoption of new administrative regulation 1710-P.



Access - Multi Language (ML) and Newcomer Information (Access testing information)

As OCS continues to recover from the impacts of the pandemic, we have seen a 55% increase over the pre-pandemic number of students identified ML across our school district. The schools with the largest ML populations continue to be New Hope Elementary (200), AL Stanback Middle School (140), Orange High School (120), and Cedar Ridge High School (184). These four schools house 61% of our total ML population. Learn more about OCS Multi Language (ML) programs and Newcomer Information in the presentation and on YouTube.


Update on the Beginning Teacher Program

Given the critical demand for teachers, the percentage of educators who are not fully licensed has steadily increased. This year, approximately 49% of all beginning teachers in Orange County Schools are not fully licensed. Effective support for novice teachers is crucial to recruiting, retaining, and enabling them to effectively address classroom challenges and positively influence students.

Grants help support training, engagement, and retention of Beginning Teachers and help increase the number of alternative licensure teachers who complete licensure requirements. View data and discussion in the presentation and on YouTube.


School Opening Data (Vacancies, Demographic Update)

Staffing data has a direct impact on student outcomes in education. Schools foster a more stable learning environment by leveraging staffing data to enhance retention and ensure that experienced, highly qualified teachers remain in the classroom. Data-driven staffing strategies ensure teachers are well-suited to their roles and enhance educational quality.

Staff reviewed these data with the Board:  

  1. Employee Demographics (Race, Experience, and Degree)
  2. National Boards Data 
  3. Teacher Turnover Data (Official, Unofficial, and by Reason Code
  4. Educator Licensed Data
  5. Vacancy Data

View data and discussion in the complete presentation and on YouTube.


Click below for the schedule of Board and Board Committee meetings.

Board Meeting Schedule

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