Board Notes - Regular Meeting January 13, 2025
The Orange County Board of Education held a regular business meeting on January 13, 2025.
View all the business items below here.
Watch the January 13, 2024 meeting here.
The Board posts all meeting materials to Simbli, and also displays a calendar of Board and committee meetings on the OCS website. Visit the Board’s page on Simbli for agendas and minutes. Minutes are attached to each meeting, after approval by the Board at a future meeting.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Monday, January 20, 2025
On January 20, 2025, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday will mark the 39th anniversary of the federal holiday and the 31st anniversary as a National Day of Service. This day was established to honor the life and legacy of Dr. King, and to encourage all Americans to serve in their communities.
On this day, we remember Dr. King as a husband, father, friend, and fierce advocate for racial justice, economic equality, and human dignity for all people. His work and message continue to inspire new generations in their own struggles for justice. Several events in and around Hillsborough are scheduled to commemorate Dr. King.
School Board Appreciation Month
January is School Board Appreciation Month, designated by the North Carolina School Board Association (NCSBA) to recognize board members for their countless efforts to improve student outcomes. Board Members received handmade cards created by students at River Park Elementary School.
Orange High School Men’s Cross Country 3A Team State Champions
The Orange High School Men’s Cross Country Team, coached by Brian Schneidewind, had an impressive and historic 2024 season. On November 2, 2024, the team claimed their first ever North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) Men’s Cross Country 3A Team State Championship. Due to inclement weather which canceled school on Monday, January 13, this recognition was postponed to a later Board Meeting.
The Board approved Consent Agenda items including meeting minutes, personnel report, contracts, an updated Board of Education calendar, a Board resolution for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and policies approved in committee for approval by the Board. Two policies were removed for discussion by the full Board. To learn how the Board considers and adopts new and updated Board Policies, see Board Policy 2410.
Mid-Year Discipline and Attendance Data
Dr. Sheldon Lanier, Chief Equity and Student Achievement Officer, and Dr. Jessica Dreher, Director of Student Engagement and Support Services, provided an update on first semester discipline and attendance data for the period from July 1 to December 20, 2024. View that presentation with detailed data analysis here.
Academic Calendar (2025-26)
Dr. Julie Pack, Chief Academic Officer, shared the calendar process with the Board and discussed proposed 2025-2026 academic calendars for traditional and year-round schools in Orange County Schools. Dr. Pack and the Board thanked the district calendar committee – with members from all schools and central services departments – for their dedication in attending evening meetings and coordinating feedback from schools to help finalize the two calendars for 2025-26.
The Board voted in favor of converting this Information/Work Session item into an Action Item, then approved the proposed calendars unanimously. Details about optional and required staff workdays for 2025-26 remain to be determined. View the agenda item and draft proposed calendars here, and see up-to-date academic calendars on the OCS website at
Click below for the schedule of Board and Board Committee meetings.