Program Service Options and Instructional Strategies
The Orange County Schools AIG program uses a talent development framework to guide the creation and implementation of services for gifted learners. Programming is organized by grade span, with each grade span having a specific purpose. The purpose and scope of each grade span are outlined below:
Program Service Options by Grade Span
Instructional Strategies K-12
Learning Environment/Process Definitions
Flexible Grouping: An instructional strategy by which advanced learners are grouped by common ability, readiness levels, learning styles, or student interests to receive modified curriculum and instruction. This may include curriculum compacting, tiered assignments, and/or extension menus. Students are often pre-assessed prior to group formation, and groups are formed and re-formed based on demonstrated needs.
Cluster Grouping: A group of AIG students (typically 5-9) with similar abilities are placed in a class together for the purpose of providing differentiated instruction and an intellectual peer group.
Consultation/Collaboration: The AIG specialist and classroom teacher work together to plan modified curriculum and instruction for AIG students. The lessons are usually delivered by the classroom teacher.
Push-in/Co-teaching: The AIG specialist goes into the classroom and teaches with the classroom teacher, embedding acceleration and enrichment into the regular classroom lessons.
Pull-out Resource: The AIG specialist works with AIG students outside of the regular classroom on special projects or units that enrich or extend what is being taught in the classroom.
Advanced Courses (Secondary Only): Classes in which the curriculum is extended and enriched beyond the regular curriculum so students may explore more advanced topics with greater depth and complexity. Middle school students may also take some high school courses for credit, most commonly Math I, English I, and French or Spanish I.
Content/Product Modifications Definitions
Compacting: For students who have already mastered the material to be learned, teachers may replace content students know with new content, enrichment projects, or other activities.
Tiered Assignments: Rather than assigning all students the same work, teachers offer different levels of activities or assignments based on student readiness or skill sets.
Blended Learning: Students extend their learning by learning content and completing activities using digital tools such as Canvas, Google Classroom, and EdPuzzle, in addition to their differentiated curriculum and instruction that they receive during face-to-face interactions with the AIG specialist or classroom teacher.
Learning Menus/Contracts: Teachers may provide students with a menu of activities or assignments, from which students may choose how they learn. Teachers may also develop learning contracts with students, which outline what a student will learn, how they will learn it, and how they will be assessed.