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Career and Technical Education

State Mission  

To empower all students to be successful citizens, workers and leaders in a global economy.

State Vision 

When students participate in Career and Technical Education as an integral part of the total school experience, and when parents recognize that Career and Technical Education impacts achievement of educational and career goals, and when partnerships impact the educational community to provide a seamless transition to educational and career goals, then North Carolina will develop a more talented workforce that successfully recruits and retains new business and industry and students will be empowered for success.

The Vision of North Carolina CTE

When students participate in Career and Technical Education as an integral part of the total school experience, and when parents recognize that Career and Technical Education impacts achievement of educational and career goals, and when partnerships impact the educational community to provide a seamless transition to educational and career goals, then North Carolina will develop a more talented workforce that successfully recruits and retains new business and industry and students will be empowered for success.

OCS CTE At A Glance

Start Planning Your Career

Career development and Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses help you plan and gain skills for success in your future career. Learn more about taking college courses while in high school through CCP.


Contact Us

For more information about the many opportunities that Career & Technical Education offers Orange County students please contact:

Shannon Braxton | Director, Cultural Arts, Career & Technical Education, and Social Studies | 919-245-4003


Melinda Fornes | CTE Curriculum & Instructional Management Coordinator | 919-245-4003


Tracy Carver | C & I Lead Office Support | 919-245-4003


Nick Montgomery | CTE Career Development Coordinator, OHS | 919-732-6133 | OHS Career Center website


Stephanie Smith | CTE Career Development Coordinator, CRHS | 919-245-4000 | CRHS Career Center website


Tracey Meekins | School Counselor, Partnership Academy | 919-245-4030


Mariah Morris | Orange County Schools Director of Strategic Initiatives (CCP) | 919-245-4004

The Orange County School System offers a wide range of Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs including Agriculture; Business, Finance, & Marketing; Career Development; Computer Science & Information Technology; Family Consumer Sciences; Health Sciences; and Trade, Technology, Engineering, & Industrial Education. All middle schools offer exploratory CTE courses. Orange County CTE programs do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its activities and programs, including employment policies and practices.