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Career Clusters

Career Clusters

Orange County Schools offers several Career and Technical Education Career Clusters, which are obtained by taking courses at the high schools or through the North Carolina Virtual Public High School. Below you will see Career Clusters offered in Orange County Schools.

 AGNR  Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources  English  Spanish
 ARCH  Architecture & Construction  English  Spanish
 AAVC  Arts, Audio/Visual Technology, & Communications  English  Spanish
 BMA  Business Management Administration  English  Spanish
 FINA  Finance  English  Spanish
 HLTH  Health Science  English  Spanish
 HOSP  Hospitality & Tourism  English  Spanish
 HUMA  Human Services  English  Spanish
 INFO  Information Technology  English  Spanish
 LAW  Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security  English  Spanish
 MANU  Manufacturing  English  Spanish
 MRKT  Marketing  English  Spanish
 STEM  Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics  English  Spanish

** Approved Career & College Promise CTE Pathway for Orange County Schools - courses available at Durham Technical Community College and/or Alamance Community College. To learn more about College & Career Promise click HERE and/or the High School to Community College Articulation Agreement then click HERE.

All North Carolina Career Pathways (by Program Area) can be viewed on the NC Career & Technical Education Course Management System.

The Orange County School System offers a wide range of Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs including Agriculture; Business, Finance, & Marketing; Career Development; Computer Science & Information Technology; Family Consumer Sciences; Health Sciences; and Trade, Technology, Engineering, & Industrial Education. All middle schools offer exploratory CTE courses. Orange County CTE programs do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its activities and programs, including employment policies and practices.

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