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Career and College Promise (CCP)

High school students in Orange County Schools can get a head start on college- tuition-free!

Career and College Promise (CCP) is North Carolina's dual enrollment program for high school students. This program allows eligible OCS high school students to enroll in college classes at Durham Technical Community College (DTCC) and Alamance Community College (ACC) through their high school. Students who earn a grade of a C or better earn dual credit—meeting high school graduation requirements and earning college credit. 

The Career and College Promise (CCP) Program offers motivated high school students the unique opportunity to take college-level courses and earn credits towards a college degree, diploma, or certificate—all while in high school.


Male college representative holding a pamphlet while speaking to a student
McMann and Deloera practicing their culinary skills at Crafted Mebane in 2024

Photo By: News of Orange

College Transfer and CTE Pathways

Discover your future with Career and College Promise pathways.

Career and College Promise has pathways tailored to meet diverse career and educational goals. Students in Orange County Schools are able to choose from two CCP pathways: College Transfer or Career and Technical Education. Interested students should meet with their school counselor to choose a pathway that supports their individual career or college goals. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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Interested in learning more about CCP?

Explore the helpful links below to learn more about this opportunity for students in Orange County Schools.

Career and College Promise Student Information Sheet

Programa Career and College Promise: Información para el estudiante

Orange County Schools CCP Student Handbook (forthcoming, November 2024)

Dual Credit Allowances Chart