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Course Planning

Course choices today can open doors to advanced opportunities tomorrow.  Students, families, and schools can work together to ensure students are on track to meet graduation requirements while pursuing individual goals like career readiness and college admission.

When planning for high school courses, students should follow these steps:

  1. Review the course guide.
    Visit the OCS High School Course Guide to explore available courses and potential pathways.
  2. Meet with your school counselor.
    A school counselor can help students develop an academic plan and make informed choices about course selections.  Counselors can assist with understanding graduation requirements and options like Credit by Demonstrated Mastery.
  3. Attend an information session.
    Each high school will host a curriculum information night to provide an overview of course offerings and help answer questions.  Check your school's website for more information.
  4. Set goals.
    Develop a goal for after high school.  Students should have a career plan that includes the prerequisite education needed to meet that goal.
  5. Make a plan.
    Use the four-year course planning guide to align course choices with desired goals.