College Credit Opportunities
In Orange County Schools, students have multiple opportunities to earn college credits in high school:
- Advanced Placement:
Advance Placement (AP) courses are approved by the College Board's Advanced Placement Program. AP courses prepare students for the AP exams, which are given in early May. The score on the exams can result in students earning college credit. For more information, see the Advanced Placement information web page.
- Career & College Promise (Dual Enrollment):
Career & College Promise (CCP) is North Carolina's dual enrollment program for high school students. The CCP program allows eligible OCS students to enroll in college classes at Durham Technical Community College (Primary) or Alamance Community College (Secondary). Students who successfully complete college courses earn college credit they can take with them after graduation. In most cases, students can also earn dual credit--meeting high school graduation requirements with college courses. For more information, see the Career & College Promise information web page.
- International Baccalaureate:
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme at Cedar Ridge High School provides students the opportunity to purse and IB Diploma or Certificate. Students take IB Exams in May, and the score on the exams can result in students earning college credits. For more information, see the International Baccalaureate information web page.
- CTE Articulated Courses:
Some CTE Courses provide the opportunity for students to earn college credit through the NC Community College System through the NC High School to Community College Articulation Agreement. The agreement ensures that students who are proficient (by receiving a final grade of B or higher in the course and a score of 93 or higher on the standardized CTE post-assessment) in a CTE course that has knowledge and skill requirements that match similar community college courses. A list of the CTE courses that qualify can by found HERE.