Repeating a Course for Credit
As provided in State Board of Education policy CCRE-001, high school students who fail a course for credit may repeat that course. To take advantage of this option, the student must repeat the entire course. When a student initially fails a high school course and successfully repeats the course for credit, the new course grade will replace the original failing grade for the course on the student’s transcript and in calculations of the student’s GPA, class rank, and honor roll eligibility.
The OCS Board of Education recognizes that high school students may need to repeat a course for which they have earned credit in order to increase their understanding of the course content, to improve skill mastery, or to meet postsecondary goals. Students may repeat a course for which they have previously earned credit, subject to the following preconditions and any other reasonable rules established by the Superintendent:
- the student must have earned a letter grade of C or lower in the course on the first attempt;
- the student must make a written request to repeat the course;
- the principal or designee must approve the request;
- there must be space available after seats have been assigned to students who are taking the course for the first time or repeating a previously failed course;
- the course to be repeated must be a duplicate of the original class and must be taken during the regular school day at a high school in this school system or through the North Carolina Virtual Public School;
- upon completion of the repeated course, the new course grade will replace the student’s original grade on the student’s transcript and in calculations of the student’s GPA, class rank, and honor roll eligibility, regardless of whether the later grade is higher or lower than the student’s original mark;
- credit towards graduation for the same course will be given only once;
- a course may be repeated only one time; and
- students may repeat a maximum of four previously passed courses during their high school careers.
For more information about repeating a course for credit, contact your school counselor.