Advanced Placement
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program in Orange County Schools provides high school students with the opportunity to engage in rigorous, college-level coursework across a wide range of subjects. AP courses challenge students to think critically, analyze complex concepts, and develop skills that prepare them for success in higher education and beyond. Each course culminates in an AP exam, through which students may earn college credit, advanced placement, or both, depending on their performance and the policies of the colleges or universities they attend. Exams are no cost to students, and students are required to take the AP exam upon completion of the course.
Participating in the AP Program allows students to explore their interests, strengthen their academic profiles, and develop the confidence to tackle demanding academic challenges. To learn more about the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, visit the Advanced Placement website.
Due to the accelerated pace and academic rigor of AP courses, all AP courses are awarded one (1) quality points to the grade earned for calculating grade point average.
Advanced Placement Course Options
AP English Language & Composition - 1A007X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English II; Honors recommended
The AP English Language and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level rhetoric and writing curriculum. The AP English Language and Composition course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the
rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Additionally, they read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in nonfiction texts—including images as forms of text— from a range of disciplines and historical periods. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP English Literature & Composition - 1A017X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English III or AP English Language & Composition
The AP English Literature and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level literature and writing curriculum. The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from
various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the way’s writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Pre-Calculus - 2A047X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: NC Math 3 Honors
In AP Precalculus, students explore everyday situations and phenomena using mathematical tools and lenses. Through regular practice, students build deep mastery of modeling and functions, and they examine scenarios through multiple representations. They will learn how to
observe, explore, and build mathematical meaning from dynamic systems, an important practice for thriving in an ever-changing world. This course prepares students for calculus and prepares students to succeed in both STEM and no-STEM majors. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Calculus (AB and BC) - 2A007X0 and 2A017X0
Credit: 1 unit each course
Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus
AP Calculus follows the College Board Curriculum to develop the students’ understanding of the concepts of calculus (functions, graphs, limits, derivatives, and integrals) and provides experiences with its methods and applications. These courses encourage the geometric,
numerical, analytical, and verbal expressions of concepts, results, and problems. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Statistics - 2A037X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: NC Math 3
AP Statistics, which follows the College Board Curriculum, introduces students to the major statistical concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students will observe patterns and departures from patterns, decide what and how to measure,
produce models using probability and simulation, and confirm models. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators and application software, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Biology - 3A007X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: Biology or Chemistry
Advanced Placement Biology is equivalent to a college biology course that includes eight major themes: science as a process, evolution, energy transfer, continuity and change, relationship of structure to function, regulation, interdependence in nature, and science, technology, and society. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Chemistry - 3A017X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: Biology Honors and Chemistry
Advanced Placement Chemistry is equivalent to a college chemistry course. Topics include atomic and molecular structure, descriptive inorganic and organic chemistry, stoichiometry,
thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, electrochemistry, the chemistry of aqueous solutions, and basic techniques of qualitative analysis. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Environmental Science- 3A027X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: Biology Honors and Chemistry Honors
Advanced Placement Environmental Science is equivalent to a college course that includes the following major topics: the origin and structure of the Universe, the interdependence of Earth Systems, human population dynamics, renewable and nonrenewable resources, air, water and soil quality, global changes and their consequences, and environmental decision making. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Physics I: Algebra-based - 3A057X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None; Recommended that students are concurrently enrolled in NC Math 3 or Higher
Advanced Placement Physics 1: Algebra Based is equivalent to a college course in algebra-based physics. The course covers Newtonian mechanics (including rotational dynamics and angular momentum); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound. It will also introduce electric circuits. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Physics 2: Algebra-based - 3A067X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: AP Physics 1: Algebra-based; Recommended that students are concurrently enrolled in NC Math 3 or Higher
Advanced Placement Physics 2: Algebra-Based is the equivalent to a college course in algebra-based physics. The course covers fluid mechanics; thermodynamics; electricity and magnetism; optics; atomic and nuclear physics. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Physics C: Mechanics - 3A047X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: Physics Honors and AP Calculus
Advanced Placement Physics C: Mechanics is equivalent to a college physics course and should provide instruction in each of the following six content areas: kinematics; Newton’s laws of motion; work, energy and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation and oscillations and gravitation. Calculus is used to develop concepts. One part of the Physics C examination covers mechanics; the other part covers electricity and magnetism. Students are permitted to take either one or both parts of this examination, and separate grades are reported for the two-subject area. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
Social Studies
AP African American Studies - 4A107X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: None
AP African American Studies is an interdisciplinary, college-level course that examines the diversity of African American experiences through direct encounters with varied sources. Students explore key topics that extend from early African kingdoms to the ongoing challenges and achievements of the contemporary moment. Given the interdisciplinary character of African American Studies, students in the course will develop skills across multiple fields, with an emphasis on developing historical, literary, visual, and data analysis skills. This course foregrounds a study of the diversity of Black communities in the United States within the broader context of Africa and the African diaspora. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP European History - 4A017X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: None
AP European History is an introductory college-level European history course. Students cultivate their understanding of European history through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like interaction of Europe and the world; economic and commercial developments; cultural and intellectual developments; states and other institutions of power; social organization and development; national and European identity; and technological and scientific innovation. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Human Geography - 4A027X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: None
AP Human Geography is an introductory college-level human geography course. Students cultivate their understanding of human geography through data and geographic analyses as they explore topics like patterns and spatial organization, human impacts and interactions with their environment, and spatial processes and societal changes. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Psychology - 4A057X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisites: None
The AP Psychology course introduces students to the systematic and scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. While considering the studies that have shaped the field, students explore and apply psychological theories, key concepts and phenomena associated with major units of study, including biological bases of behavior, cognition, development, learning, social psychology, personality, and mental and physical health. Throughout the course, students apply psychological concepts and employ psychological research methods and data interpretation to evaluate claims, consider evidence, and effectively communicate ideas. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP US History - 4A077X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
The AP program in United States History is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in studying the history of the United States beyond the state mandated survey course. The AP course prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses. The work is designed to be extremely rigorous and challenging both in content and in its accelerated pacing. In depth writing assignments aligned to College Board standards are required. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP World History: Modern - 4A097X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Advanced Placement World History offers examination in World History to students who wish to complete studies in secondary school equivalent to an introductory college course in world history. The purpose of this course is to develop greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts and interaction among different types of human societies. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP US Government and Politics - 4A067X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
This course is a study of the governmental institutions affecting the structure and function of the American federal system. Students examine the relationship among the three branches of government and evaluate Constitutional issues focusing on the freedoms of American citizens. Because this is a College Board approved class with an exit exam, it provides a more rigorous curriculum focusing on critical analysis of issues through research and discussion. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
World Language
AP French Language and Culture - 1A037X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: French IV Honors
AP French Language and Culture is equivalent to an intermediate level college course in French. Students cultivate their understanding of French language and culture by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and community, personal and public identity, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Spanish Language & Culture - 1A087X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Spanish IV Honors
AP Spanish Language and Culture is equivalent to an intermediate level college course in Spanish. Students cultivate their understanding of Spanish language and culture by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication in real-life situations as they explore concepts related to family and communities, personal and public identities, beauty and aesthetics, science and technology, contemporary life, and global challenges. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Studio Art: Drawing - 5A037X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Mastery of Advanced Visual Arts
AP Studio Art requires students to create a portfolio. Students will submit slides of their work (25-40 slides) to the College Board in May of their senior year. Pending the College Board
review and approval of the college or university, students may receive college credit.
AP Studio Art: 2D Art and Design - 5A027X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Mastery of Advanced Visual Arts
AP Studio Art requires students to create a portfolio. Students will submit slides of their work (25-40 slides) to the College Board in May of their senior year. Pending the College Board
review and approval of the college or university, students may receive college credit.
AP Studio Art: 3D Art and Design - 5A037X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Mastery of Advanced Visual Arts
AP Studio Art requires students to create a portfolio. Students will submit slides of their work (25-40 slides) to the College Board in May of their senior year. Pending the College Board
review and approval of the college or university, students may receive college credit.
AP Art History - 5A007X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: World History
In the AP art history course, students examine major forms of artistic expression from the ancient world to the present and from a variety of cultures. Students will learn to analyze works of art within their historical context and to articulate what they see or experience
in a meaningful way. AP Art History is not a studio class. It involves extensive reading, writing, and research. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
Computer Science
AP Computer Science A
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
AP Computer Science A is an introductory college-level computer science course. Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables, and control structures. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
AP Computer Science Principles
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of the field and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.