Career & Technical Education
The mission of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is to help empower students for effective participation in an international economy as world- class workers and citizens. Both school-based and work-based learning opportunities are offered to students enrolled in Career and Technical Education. School-based opportunities include competency-based courses in seven program areas: Agriculture Education, Business, Finance, and Marketing Education, Career Development Education, Computer Science, IT and Technology Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Health Science Education and Trade and Industrial Education. Work-based learning opportunities include apprenticeships, internships, job shadowing, and supervised occupational experiences. These experiences can be arranged through the Career and Technical Education teachers. For eligibility requirements and guidelines, contact the program area teacher. In addition, Career and Technical Education Student Organizations (CTSO activities) are an integral part of each program. CTSO leadership and competitive events are held on the local, district, state, and national levels.
CTE courses have a required Proof of Learning (POL) that all students must take. Some CTE courses and pathways provide students the opportunity to earn industry recognized credentials at no cost to the student. Courses with opportunities to earn these credentials will be marked with an asterisk (*). Students who successfully complete all courses in a pathway, including the concentrator course, will be considered CTE Concentrators. Concentrator courses are noted in the description. Students who complete a concentration will participate in the WorkKeys national career readiness certification.
Career & Technical Education (CTE) Course Options
- Agricultural Education
- Business, Finance, and Marketing Education
- Career Development Education
- Computer Science, Information Technology, and Technology Education
- Family and Consumer Science Education
- Health Science Education
- Trade & Industrial Education
- CCP on OCS Campus (CRHS Only)
Agricultural Education
Foundations of Agriculture - AU10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore the sectors of the agriculture industry through hands-on activities. Develop a foundation of agricultural literacy to become an advocate in the community. Establish an understanding of the process to produce agricultural commodities in the areas of plant science, agriculture mechanics, animal science, and natural resources. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation.
Animal Science I* - AA21
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore the impact animal physiology has on animal nutrition and health. Identify animals using physical traits and characteristics. Implement best management practices to select healthy animals. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation.
Animal Science II: Companion Animal - AA23
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Animal Science I
Integrate safe handling practices to groom and care for companion animals and identify companion animals using physical traits and characteristics. Illustrate knowledge of nutritional and digestive needs through experiential activities. Establish a foundation of veterinary medical terminology and procedures. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation. This is a concentrator course.
Animal Science II: Food Animals Honors* - AA22
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Animal Science I
Expand knowledge of animal anatomy and physiology and utilize genetics to improve animal performance. Formulate nutrition plans to produce food animals and design facilities to manage animal production systems. Develop an understanding of veterinary terminology and practices. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation. This is a concentrator course.
Agricultural Production I (OHS Only)* - AL11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
This course provides instruction that focuses on the basic scientific principles and processes related to the production of plants and animals. Livestock and poultry, agronomy (crops and soils), pest management, knowledge and application of shop safety rules, proper uses of tools, materials and machinery, metal skills including arc welding, and construction materials are learned. Leadership skills are emphasized through FFA and competitive activities. National FFA Organization is an intracurricular student organization for students in Ag courses.
Agricultural Production II (OHS Only)* - AL12
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Agricultural Production I
This course expands the scientific knowledge and technical skills gained in Agricultural Production I. Livestock and poultry production and management, crop production, agricultural business management, proper uses of tools, equipment and facilities, welding safe operation of tractors, and preventive maintenance procedures are learned. Leadership skills are emphasized through FFA and competitive activities. National FFA Organization is an intracurricular student organization for students in Ag courses. This is a concentrator course.
Agricultural Mechanics I* - AA31
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Develop knowledge and technical skills in the broad field of agricultural machinery, equipment, and structures. Identify day-to-day maintenance and repair needs of agricultural mechanics equipment. Generate knowledge of agricultural mechanics safety and hand/power tool use and selection. Develop an understanding of electrical wiring and basic agricultural metal and wood fabrication. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation.
Agricultural Mechanics II Honors* - AA32
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Agricultural Mechanics I
Understand metal fabrication technology to implement hot/cold metal working skills and technology, advanced welding and metal cutting skills. Build non-metallic agricultural fabrication techniques. Utilize tools and equipment safely to work with plastics, plumbing, concrete, and masonry. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation. This is a concentrator course.
Horticulture I: Introduction to Plants - AP41
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Grow your knowledge of plant biology and environmental conditions plants need to thrive. Cultivate plant identification skills and experiment with propagation and production practices. Build leadership and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation.
Horticulture II: Plant Production - AP42
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Horticulture I: Introduction to Plants
Cultivate skills related to greenhouse, nursery, floral, and edible plant production, and maintenance practices. Experience the requirements to grow and maintain healthy plants and floral products through work-based learning opportunities. Build leadership development and employability skills through authentic experiences from Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), classroom instruction, and FFA participation. This is a concentrator course.
CTE Advanced Studies AGNR - WS02
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in the Agriculture pathway; One must be a concentrator course
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Internship AGNR - WI02
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity.
Business, Finance, and Marketing Education
Accounting I* - BA10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Investigate the basic principles of the accounting cycle. Analyze business transactions and the proper recording of these records. Interpret financial statements, accounting systems, banking and payroll activities, and basic types of business ownership. Honors credit available.
Accounting II Honors* - BA20
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Accounting I
Develop in-depth knowledge of accounting procedures and techniques utilized in solving business problems and making managerial decisions. Explore departmental accounting, corporate accounting, cost accounting, and inventory control systems. Amplify accounting skills to accurately complete specialized accounting procedures. This is a concentrator course.
Business Essentials - BF10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore realistic business principles by examining the business environment and primary business activities. Conceptualize ethics, customer relations, and human resource management through workplace scenarios. Investigate the usage of financial analysis, economics, information management, marketing, operations, and technology in the business world of the 21st century. Honors credit available.
Business Ethics and Law I - BB30
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore the intricate landscape of ethical and legal issues that influence the world of business and its consumers. Develop a deep understanding of the ethical reasoning and consequences that form the basis of decision-making within the business world. Discover the various dimensions of business ethics and law, such as types of business laws, forms of business ownership, workplace legal and ethical practices, finances in business, environmental and energy law, and principles of digital citizenship.
Business Ethics and Law II - BB32
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Business Ethics and Law I
Analyze complex legal and ethical issues that impact today's modern business models. Explore spirit and intent of the law, agency law, property law, intellectual property law, and business tax law. Investigate the protection provided by business contracts and their importance. This is a concentrator course.
Entrepreneurship I* - ME11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Conceptualize starting, opening, working for, and operating a small business. Explore feasibility, design thinking, entrepreneurial mindset, and the Lean Canvas Business Model. Investigate channel management, pricing, product/service management, and promotion.
Entrepreneurship II Honors*- ME12
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Entrepreneurship I
Utilize business planning strategies to accelerate the implementation of a business idea. Construct plans for risk management, staffing, and promotions. Develop a business plan complete with a SWOT analysis and action plan. This is a concentrator course.
Marketing I* - MM51
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Implement dynamic marketing processes and activities. Develop an understanding of marketing functions and their impact on business operations. Conceptualize a comprehensive marketing plan.
Marketing II* - MM52
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Marketing I
Understand marketing mix strategies and the marketing model. Explore the role of marketing research, marketing data, and marketing communications. Apply knowledge to prepare a strategic marketing plan. This is a concentrator course.
Microsoft Excel Honors* (CRHS Only) - CC11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Develop spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel using fundamentals, formulas, and functions. Illustrate data with tables and graphs. Manage workbooks, manipulate data, and use simple macros.
Microsoft Word and PowerPoint* (CRHS Only) - CC10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Craft, enhance, customize, and create various documents using Microsoft Word. Design, customize, and present presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Utilize the various features of both programs to produce relevant 21st Century documents.
Project Management I - GS11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore the principles, concepts, and software applications used in the management of projects from conception to completion. Utilize project-based learning to exemplify the framework of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing a project in authentic situations. Analyze the core concepts of scope, time, cost, and integration.
Project Management II Honors*- GS12
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Project Management I
Develop advanced project management skills. Utilize project-based learning to understand how to use the framework of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing a project in authentic situations. Explore concepts of quality management, human resources, communication management, risk management, procurement management, and stakeholder management. This is a concentrator course.
Sales I (OHS Only) - MI31
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore careers in selling and customer service. Recommend specific products to meet customer needs. Develop communication skills through public speaking opportunities.
Sales II (OHS Only) - MI32
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Sales I
Realize the art of selling and build upon the content from the MI31 Sales I course. Develop a personal brand while enhancing communication and customer service skills. Utilize role plays to engage in the selling process; learn to improvise and think critically. This is a concentrator course.
Sports and Event Marketing I - MH31
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore sport and event industries, associated marketing strategies, and branding concepts. Develop an understanding of promotion and marketing data related to sports and events. Weave together the concepts to create a proposal for a unique event.
Sports and Event Marketing II Honors - MH32
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Sports and Event Marketing I
Utilize knowledge of promotion and marketing to create a plan for a unique event. Extrapolate marketing data to make informed communication decisions. Analyze the financial and economic impacts of sports and events. This is a concentrator course.
CTE Advanced Studies BMA Honors - WS04
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE Courses in pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies FINA Honors - WS06
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE Courses in pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies MRKT Honors - WS14
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE Courses in pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Internship BMA - WI04
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship FINA - WI06
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship MRKT - WI14
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
Career Development Education
Career Management* - ED45
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Focus on leadership, career development and management, essential employability skills, and career exploration through hands-on experiences. Develop an understanding of personal learning styles, speaking skills development, and team management skills. Build understanding of the National Career Development Guidelines, including communications skills, personal management, and teamwork.
Computer Science, Information Technology, and Technology Education
Adobe Video Design I* (CRHS Only) - CD14
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Discover the legal, technical, and editorial principles employed in the video industry necessary to understand ethical implications before engaging in a film project. Work collaboratively to conceive, plan, and execute production plans to create audio and video assets. Use Adobe Premiere Pro features to edit audio and video clips to create and publish a range of video products.
Adobe Video Design II* (CRHS Only) - CD15
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Adobe Video Design I
Engage in the preproduction, production, and post production processes of video creation. Develop digital media products in the fields of audio, news-style video, and interview-style video. Design social media products to be used on multiple platforms using cinematic storytelling elements. This is a concentrator course.
Adobe Visual Design I Honors* (CRHS Only) - CD10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Build logos and vector images using features in Adobe Illustrator. Enhance photographs using features in Adobe Photoshop. Produce images to be used in business publications and communications.
Adobe Visual Design II Honors* (CRHS Only) - CD11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Adobe Visual Design I
Explore elements that make an exceptional digital and print publications. Create print and digital publications in Adobe InDesign. Train to earn the industry-recognized Adobe Certified Professional InDesign credential. This is a concentrator course.
AP Computer Science A
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
AP Computer Science A is an introductory college-level computer science course. Students cultivate their understanding of coding through analyzing, writing, and testing code as they explore concepts like modularity, variables, and control structures. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice. This is a concentrator course.
AP Computer Science Principles
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of the field and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice. This is a concentrator course.
CompTIA IT Fundamentals* (OHS Only) - CI00
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Set up and install common peripheral devices to a laptop or PC and secure a basic wireless network. Manage applications software while understanding the various components of an operating system. Interpret programming language categories and interpret the logic and purpose of programming.
Computer Engineering Technology I Honors* (OHS Only) - CI01
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: CompTIA IT Fundamentals
Install and configure laptops and other mobile devices. Support and troubleshoot Windows OS, Mac OS, and Linux OS environments. Troubleshoot real-world device and network issues.
Computer Engineering Technology II Honors* (OHS Only) - CI02
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Computer Engineering Technology I
Troubleshoot PC and mobile device issues including common OS, malware, and security issues. Identify and protect against security vulnerabilities for devices and their network connections. Perform critical IT support tasks. This is a concentrator course.
Introduction to Computer Science - CS10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore components of computation, programming, ethics, and variables in computer science. Utilize Microsoft MakeCode block-based coding environment and micro:bit micro controller board to develop simple apps. Build programming skills in block-based JavaScript programming.
Network Administration I (OHS Only) - CI20
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Deploy ethernet solutions and configure wireless technologies. Explore basic networking concepts including networking services, physical connections, and cloud connectivity. Monitor networks to ensure business continuity.
Network Administration II Honors* (OHS Only) - CI20
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Network Administration I
Explore security concepts and network attacks to harden networks against threats. Troubleshoot common cable, connectivity, and software issues. Optimize networks to ensure business continuity. This is a concentrator course.
Cybersecurity I - CI30
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Establish the core knowledge for jobs in cybersecurity. Secure and monitor enterprise networked environments. Detect potential threats and risks found when devices are connected online.
Cybersecurity II Honors* - CI31
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Cybersecurity I
Identify, analyze, and respond to security events and threats. Enhance security settings on devices to meet U.S. Department of Defense Standards. Monitor and secure hybrid environments, including cloud, mobile, and IoT. This is a concentrator course.
PLTW Engineering Essentials (OHS Only) - CE12
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Students explore the breadth of engineering career opportunities and experiences as they solve engaging and challenging real-world problems like creating a natural relief center system or creating a solution to improve the safety and well-being of local citizens. Honors credit available.
PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design Honors (OHS Only) - CE10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
In this foundation Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pathway to Engineering (PTE) course, students are exposed to the design process, research and analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards, and technical documentation. Students use 3D solid modeling design software to help them design solutions to solve proposed problems and learn how to document their work and communicate solutions to peer and members of the professional community.
PLTW Principals of Engineering (OHS Only) - CE11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
In this foundation Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pathway to Engineering (PTE) course, students survey engineering and are exposed to major concepts they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study. Students employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. They develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges, documenting their work and communicating solutions to peers and members of the professional community. Honors credit available.
PLTW Civil Engineering and Architecture* (OHS Only) - CE14
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) or PLTW Principles of Engineering (POE)
In this specialization Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pathway to Engineering (PTE) course, students learn important aspects of building and site design and development. They apply math, science, and standard engineering practices to design both residential and commercial projects and document their work using 3-D architectural design software. This is a concentrator course.
PLTW Digital Electronics (OHS Only) - CD13
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) or PLTW Principles of Engineering (POE)
In this foundation Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pathway to Engineering (PTE) course, students explore the foundations of computing by engaging in circuit design processes to create combinational logic and sequential logic (memory) as electrical engineers do in industry. This is a concentrator course.
PLTW Capstone (OHS Only) - CE16
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: PLTW Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) or PLTW Principles of Engineering (POE)
In this capstone Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pathway to Engineering (PTE) course, students identify a real-world challenge and then research, design, and test a solution, ultimately presenting their unique solutions to a panel of engineers.
CTE Advanced Studies AAVC Honors - WS01
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies INFO Honors - WS11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Internship AAVC - WI01
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity.
CTE Internship INFO - WI11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity.
Family and Consumer Science Education
Food and Nutrition I* - FN41
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Formulate an understanding of nutrition for a healthy lifestyle by preparing foods in each food group. Develop kitchen skills that promote proper food handling practice. Plan and execute meal management. For safety and sanitation reasons, the recommended enrollment should not exceed 20 students.
Food and Nutrition II* - FN42
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Food and Nutrition I
Expand knowledge of nutrient needs for a healthy lifestyle through the lifespan. Discover the impact of food systems on the environment, economy, society, and the individual. Develop an entrepreneurial venture idea using the Lean Canvas Business Model. This is a concentrator course. For safety and sanitation reasons, the recommended enrollment should not exceed 20 students
Interior Design I: Fundamentals - FI21
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Build the knowledge and technical skills necessary to provide a foundational knowledge of the design industry. Explore design thinking and utilize the interior design process. Apply interior design principles and illustrate design solutions through visual communication.
Interior Design II: Studio* - FI22
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Interior Design I: Fundamentals
Devise an understanding of the multiple roles of an interior designer. Utilize artistic and design factors in planning, selection, and arrangement of interior spaces to meet the needs of families in the interior environment. Participate in creating a portfolio that includes a diverse understanding of multiple areas of design. This is a concentrator course.
Interior Design II: Technology Honors* (CRHS Only) - FI23
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Interior Design I: Fundamentals
Integrate interior design skills and building information modeling (BIM) using the AutoDesk Revit architecture program. Become familiar with digital drafting tools that enable designers to create fully coordinated plans, sections, elevations, 3-D perspectives, and renderings. Utilize drafting software to create a diverse portfolio of interior design skills. This is a concentrator course.
Fashion and Textile Fundamentals (OHS Only) - FA07
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Explore the world of fashion by learning the foundational skills of garment construction, fabric selection, and color theory. Apply beginning sewing skills to produce a quality garment in the fashion lab. Dive into the fashion cycle to gain insights into the evolution of styles to identify trends and understand their place within the industry. *For safety reasons, the recommended enrollment should not exceed 20 students.
Apparel and Textile Production II* (OHS Only) - FA32
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Fashion and Textile Fundamentals
Design apparel utilizing the design process. Implement advanced sewing skills to engineer an apparel product. Simulate marketing and business experience to explore the apparel industry. * For safety reasons, the recommended enrollment should not exceed 20 students. This is a concentrator course.
CTE Advanced Studies AAVC Honors - WS01
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in pathways; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies ARCH Honors - WS03
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in pathways; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies HOSP Honors - WS09
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in pathways; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies HUMA Honors - WS10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in pathways; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Internship AAVC - WI01
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship ARCH - WI03
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship EDUC - WI05
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship HOSP - WI09
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship HUMA - WI10
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
Health Science Education
CTE Internship HLTH - WI08
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation
in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
Trade & Industrial Education
Law and Justice I* (CRHS Only) - IP41
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Develop an understanding of the history of law enforcement, including the criminal justice system. Understand the responsibilities of policing, and the classification of crimes. Practice basic skills such as communication with diverse groups, conflict resolution, operation of equipment, and courtroom testimony.
Law and Justice II Honors* (CRHS Only) - IP42
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Law and Justice I
Gaither knowledge and skills required in private security protection. Practice communication skills required of protection officers. Perform tasks including crime prevention, risk and threat management, and physical security. This is a concentrator course.
Public Safety I* (CRHS Only) - IP11
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Develop a basic understanding of careers and skills in the public safety pathway. Perform basic skills with these different careers, including firefighting, EMT, and law enforcement. Create a student personal plan for a career in public safety.
Public Safety II Honors* (CRHS Only) - IP12
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Public Safety I
Develop a deeper understanding of careers and skills in the public safety pathway. Perform skills associated with being part of a community emergency response team. Prepare for a career in 9-1-1 telecommunication through demonstrated activities. This is a concentrator course.
Woodworking I* (CRHS Only) - IM21
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Develop a working knowledge of Health and Safety Hazards practices in the woodworking industry. Practice techniques required to safely operate hand tools, portable power tools, and stationary power tools used in the woodworking industry. Engage in procedures for designing, laying out, and constructing a cabinet assembly. For safety reasons, the recommended enrollment should not exceed 20 students.
Woodworking II Honors* (CRHS Only) - IM22
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Woodworking I
Practice advanced techniques required to safely operate hand tools, portable power tools, and stationary power tools used in the woodworking industry. Develop a working knowledge of material characteristics, advanced surface preparation, and finish techniques used in the woodworking industry. Engage in advanced procedures for designing, laying out, and constructing a cabinet assembly. For safety reasons, the recommended enrollment should not exceed 20 students. This is a concentrator course.
Furniture Making III* (CRHS Only) - IL15
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Woodworking II
This course covers the development of more advanced knowledge and skills in the furniture and cabinetmaking industry. Emphasis is placed on construction principles as applied to mass production. Advanced individualized project-based instruction is provided on a variety of topics including design and construction, woodturning, marquetry, carving, veneering, vacuum pressing, inlaying, laminating, and finishing. Students are encouraged to enter national design competitions and seek WoodLINKS certification.
CTE Advanced Studies ARCH Honors - WS03
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in a pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies LAW Honors - WS12
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in a pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies STEM Honors - WS15
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in a pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Advanced Studies TRAN Honors - WS16
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Two CTE courses in a pathway; One must be a concentrator course.
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through analysis and research of selected career pathway. Experience real-world application of course/pathway content through a work-based learning lens acquired by utilizing employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Evaluate and plan for a postsecondary career while educating others.
CTE Internship ARCH - WI03
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship LAW - WI12
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship MANU - WI13
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship STEM - WI15
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CTE Internship TRAN - WI16
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Prepare for postsecondary education and future careers through observation and participation in the daily operations of a career in a general career field. Experience real-world application of job tasks acquired by utilizing durable employability skills in an authentic workforce activity. Honors credit available.
CCP on OCS Campus (CRHS Only)
The following classes are taught by Alamance Community College on the campus of Cedar Ridge High School providing enrollment capacities are met:
Photography - GRD 167 and GRD 168
Credit: 2 Units
Prerequisite: GRD 167 is required 1st quarter and GRD 168 is 2nd quarter
This course is a community college credit course that introduces basic camera operations and photographic production. Topics include subject composition, depth of field, shutter control, light control, color, photo-finishing, and digital imaging, correction and output. Upon completion, students should be able to produce traditional and/or digital photographic prints with acceptable technical and compositional quality.
Videography - PHO 222 and PHO 224
Credit: 2 units
Prerequisite: PHO 222 is required 1st quarter and PHO 224 is 2nd quarter
This course is a community college credit course designed to teach the basic skills and processes necessary for digital video production and editing. Emphasis is placed on the following: teamwork, creative development, technical skills, production techniques/styles, professionalism, media literacy, and career and college readiness. Students will create videos including documentaries, narratives, commercials, music videos, video resumes, and special projects. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to develop, produce, edit and output professional quality, short digital video using the latest digital formats and computer software.