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Career & Technical Education

The mission of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is to help empower students for effective participation in an international economy as world- class workers and citizens. Both school-based and work-based learning opportunities are offered to students enrolled in Career and Technical Education.  School-based opportunities include competency-based courses in seven program areas: Agriculture Education, Business, Finance, and Marketing Education, Career Development Education, Computer Science, IT and Technology Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Health Science Education and Trade and Industrial Education.  Work-based learning opportunities include apprenticeships, internships, job shadowing, and supervised occupational experiences. These experiences can be arranged through the Career and Technical Education teachers. For eligibility requirements and guidelines, contact the program area teacher.  In addition, Career and Technical Education Student Organizations (CTSO activities) are an integral part of each program. CTSO leadership and competitive events are held on the local, district, state, and national levels. 

CTE courses have a required Proof of Learning (POL) that all students must take.  Some CTE courses and pathways provide students the opportunity to earn industry recognized credentials at no cost to the student.  Courses with opportunities to earn these credentials will be marked with an asterisk (*). Students who successfully complete all courses in a pathway, including the concentrator course, will be considered CTE Concentrators.  Concentrator courses are noted in the description.  Students who complete a concentration will participate in the WorkKeys national career readiness certification.

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Course Options