In North Carolina and Orange County, all students are required to take and pass four sequential English courses: English I, II, III, and IV. Courses in the Secondary English Language Arts Program in Orange County Schools closely follow the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Standard Course of Study. Students have the opportunity to take different versions of these courses that meet the North Carolina guidelines for standard-level and honors-level work, as well as College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP) classes, International Baccalaureate (IB), or community college courses (CCP) in lieu of their English III and English IV courses and still meet state graduation requirements.
English Course Options
English I
English I - 10212X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
English I explores ways that audience, purpose, and context shape oral communication, written communication, and media and technology. While the emphasis is placed on communicating for purposes of personal expression, students also engage in meaningful communication for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes.
English I Honors - 10215X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
English I Honors explores ways that audience, purpose, and context shape oral communication, written communication, and media and technology by requiring students to study more challenging texts, demonstrate critical thinking in generating thought-provoking questions, and work as self-directed and reflective learners independently and as leaders and collaborators in groups. Although emphasizing personal expression, the class also engages students in meaningful communication for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes. Students in this class will be prepared for success in AP/IB courses as upperclassmen.
English II
English II - 10222X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English I
English II involves reading, discussing, and writing about both classical and contemporary world literature (excluding British and American authors). Students will examine pieces of world literature in a cultural context to appreciate the diversity and complexity of world issues and to connect global ideas to their own experiences. Students will continue to explore language for expressive, explanatory, critical, argumentative, and literary purposes, although the emphasis will be placed on informational contexts. The End-of-Course test is required.
English II Honors - 10225X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English I
English II Honors involves reading, discussing, and writing about both classical and contemporary world literature (excluding British and American authors). Students will continue to explore language for expressive, explanatory, critical, argumentative, and literary purposes, although the emphasis will be placed on informational contexts. This course, moreover, requires students to study more challenging texts, demonstrate critical thinking in generating thought-provoking questions and work as self-directed and reflective learners independently and as leaders and collaborators in groups. Students in this class will be prepared for success in AP/IB as upperclassmen. The End-of-Course test is required.
English III
English III - 10232X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English II
English III focuses on United States literature as it reflects the social perspective and historical significance by continuing to use language for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes. The emphasis in English III is the critical analysis of texts through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media.
English III Honors - 10235X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English II
English III Honors focuses on United States literature as it reflects the social perspective and historical significance by continuing to use language for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes. The emphasis in English III is the critical analysis of texts through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media. This course, moreover, requires students to study more challenging texts, to demonstrate critical thinking in generating thought-provoking questions, and to work as self-directed and reflective learners independently and as leaders and collaborators in groups.
AP English Language & Composition - 1A007X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English II; Honors recommended
The AP English Language and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level rhetoric and writing curriculum. The AP English Language and Composition course focuses on the development and revision of evidence-based analytic and argumentative writing, the
rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts, and the decisions writers make as they compose and revise. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Additionally, they read and analyze rhetorical elements and their effects in nonfiction texts—including images as forms of text— from a range of disciplines and historical periods. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
English IV
English IV - 10242X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English III
English IV requires students to integrate all the language arts skills gained throughout their education. The curriculum both affirms these skills and equips the students to be lifelong learners. Students continue to explore expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary contexts with a focus on British literature. The emphasis in English IV is on argumentation by developing a position of advocacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media.
English IV Honors - 10245X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English III
English IV Honors requires students to integrate all the language arts skills gained throughout their education. Students continue to explore expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary contexts with a focus on British literature and an emphasis on argumentation by developing a position of advocacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using media. This course, moreover, requires students to study more challenging texts, to demonstrate critical thinking in generating thought-provoking questions, and to work as self-directed and reflective learners independently and as leaders and collaborators in groups.
AP English Literature & Composition - 1A017X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: English III or AP English Language & Composition
The AP English Literature and Composition course aligns to an introductory college-level literature and writing curriculum. The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from
various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the way’s writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works. At the completion of the course, students take the Advanced Placement Exam and may receive college credit based upon their scores and the requirements of the college of their choice.
English Electives
Literacy Studies - 10252X0LS
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
This course is designed for students on the Future Ready Core Academic Pathway who are struggling readers. Students who are not proficient in reading at the end of their eighth-grade year are enrolled in this course. Students will be taught skills in the areas of reading comprehension, fluency, and engagement through the use of high-interest, leveled texts. Students will develop a “toolbox” of problem-solving strategies for overcoming obstacles and deepening comprehension of texts in various academic disciplines. While the emphasis is placed on communication for purposes of personal expression, students also engage in meaningful communication for expressive, expository, argumentative, and literary purposes. Enrollment in this course will be contingent on the results of a leveled reading assessment.
Reading & Composition Honors - 10255X0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
This rigorous, honors-weighted course is designed to awaken students’ intellectual curiosity. The course will emphasize contemporary and historical problems and issues, engaging students in reading and writing based on a variety of fiction and non-fiction print and non-print texts. Lessons involving cultural awareness, synthesis of information, source selection and analysis, SAT skills preparation, and communication skills will provide students with a foundation for advanced English coursework. Students will learn foundational writing components of rhetorical analysis, synthesis, research, and argumentation that makeup AP, IB, and college writing courses and assessments.
Creative Writing I - 10252X0C1
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Creative Writing is an academic course designed to challenge students to think critically and creatively about writing in all genres. Students will work to enhance their writing skills by reading, studying, and imitating successful classic and contemporary authors to develop their own writing styles
Creative Writing II - 10252X0C2
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Creative Writing I
Creative Writing II continues the development of the creative abilities and skills for young writers. In addition to submitting finished manuscripts in several genres, students will publish a creative arts magazine.
Film 101 (CRHS Only) - 10252X0101
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
In this course, students will identify, evaluate, and apply cinematic, dramatic, and literary elements of selected film clips and films, structural elements and techniques of film reviews, dramatic and literary techniques of writing screenplays, and oral expression strategies. Students will produce a written film review, a written screenplay, and a dramatic reading.
Mythology - 10252X0103
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Mythology focuses on the analysis of myth in literature from ancient times to the present, with special attention to classical (Greek/Roman) mythology, but also with the inclusion of myths from a variety of cultures (i.e., African, Norse, and Native American). Students will explore and examine the history and influence of mythological motifs and figures through various literary texts and other artistic forms.
Public Speaking I -
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
Public Speaking II -
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Public Speaking I
IB English Options (CRHS Only)
IB English A: Language and Literature HL Yr 1 - 1I018X0A
Credit: 1 Unit
Prerequisite: English II Honors
IB English A: Language and Literature HL Yr 2 - 1I018X0B
Credit: 1 Unit
Prerequisite: IB English A: Language and Literature HL Yr 1
The language A: language and literature course introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary forms and non literary text-types. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption.
IB Spanish A: Literature SL Yr 1 - 1I048X0A
Credit: 1 Unit
Prerequisite: English II Honors; Students must be bilingual in Spanish and English.
IB Spanish A: Literature SL Yr 2 -1I048X0B
Credit: 1 Unit
Prerequisite: IB Spanish A: Literature SL Yr 1; Students must be bilingual in Spanish and English.
This is a school-supported, self-taught class (independent study) and may only have a maximum of 5 students. The IB Diploma Programme (DP) Self-Taught School Supported Language A: Literature course is designed for students who wish to study their home language or another language in which they are proficient. This course allows students to explore a wide range of literary works from their chosen language, fostering a deep appreciation for literature and enhancing their analytical and critical thinking skills.