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NC Virtual Options

The North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS), established by the North Carolina State Board of Education, is an online school community serving middle and high school students throughout the state of North Carolina. NCVPS is not degree granting, but instead transfers credit to the local school of record for placement on the student transcript upon successful course completion. Students must go to their local high school of record for any state mandated end-of-course testing and/or North Carolina final exams. For more information visit and contact your school counseling office.

NCVPS offers high school courses that are taken over the internet. Virtual high school courses require strong, independent, self-motivated students. NCVPS courses may not be taken in place of face-to-face courses offered at the student’s school. Building Principals must give approval prior to a student enrolling in NCVPS. Grades earned in approved courses count toward a student’s grade point average, class rank, and eligibility for athletic and extracurricular activities.

Students will need a reliable working computer and internet access if taking courses at home in addition to an appropriate level of computer knowledge including downloading, video, communication, etc.

See your school counselor for enrollment procedures.