Special Services
Special Services Course Options
Occupational Course of Study Courses
Occupational Course of Study
- Occupational English
- Occupational Science
- Occupational Math
- Occupational Social Studies
- Occupational Preparation
Occupational English
Occupational 0NCVPS English I - 9210BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
Students in English I will study literature, informational texts, poetry, drama, biographical work and art from all genres to gain knowledge of culture, current events and themselves. They will gain the reading and writing skills necessary to write, analyze and evaluate detailed arguments.
Occupational 0NCVPS English II - 9211BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
English II students will study literature, informational texts, poetry, drama, biographical works and art from around the world to come to a better understanding of world cultures, contemporary issues, and their world. They will fine tune the reading and writing skills necessary to write, analyze and evaluate detailed arguments.
Occupational 0NCVPS English III - 9212BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
Students in English III analyze United States literature as it reflects social perspective and historical significance by continuing to use language for expressive, expository, argumentative and literary purposes. The emphasis in English III is critical analysis of text through reading, writing, speaking, listening and using media.
Occupational 0NCVPS English IV - 9213BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
Students in English IV will integrate all the language skills gained throughout their education. The curriculum both affirms these skill and equips the students to be lifelong learners. Students continue to explore expressive, expository, argumentative, literary contexts with a focus on British Literature. The emphasis in English IV is on argumentation by developing a position of advocacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening and using media.
Occupational Science
Occupational 0NCVPS Applied Science - 9231BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
Students learn about energy, the environment, conservation, and chemical exposure. The students also study human body systems and learn how they work together to regulate health. Students explore these topics through hands-on activities and by applying the concepts they learn to real world situations.
Occupational 0NCVPS Biology - 9232BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
Students survey the history and development of biology including an introduction to biochemistry, cellular biology, physiology, genetics, organisms, and life processes. In addition to reading, students will engage in laboratory activities to develop process and problem solving skills.
Occupational Math
Occupational 0NCVPS Intro to Mathematics - 9220BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
Introductory Mathematics provides students a survey of preparatory topics for high school mathematics, including the foundations for high school algebra and geometry. Appropriate technology, from manipulatives to calculators, should be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Occupational 0NCVPS NC Math I - 9225BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This rigorous course is designed to formalize and extend the mathematics learned in the middle grades. The topics studied seek to deepen and extend the understanding of linear relationships, in part by contrasting them with exponential phenomena, and in part by applying linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend. CCMI uses properties and theorems involving congruent figures to deepen and extend understanding of geometric knowledge from prior grades. Culminating units of study tie together the algebraic and geometric ideas studies and also provide students opportunities to have experiences with more formal means of assessing how a model fits data. Students use regression techniques to describe approximately linear relationships between two quantities. They further use graphical representations and knowledge of the context to make judgments about the appropriateness of the linear models. Appropriate technology and tools, including manipulatives and calculators, will be used regularly for instruction and assessment.
Occupational 0NCVPS Financial Management - 9222BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
Financial Management assists with preparing students to understand economic activities and challenges of individuals and families, the role of lifestyle goals in education and career choices, procedures in successful job search, financial forms used in independent living, and shopping options and practices for meeting consumer needs.
Occupational Social Studies
Occupational 0NCVPS Founding Principles of the USA & NC: Civic Literacy - 9251BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This course teaches the skills and knowledge necessary to become responsible and effective citizens in an interdependent world. It provides a framework for understanding the basic tenets of N.C. and American democracy, practices of American government as
established by the United States Constitution, basic concepts of American politics and citizenship, and will build upon the application of the Founding Principles as identified by N.C. Session Law 2019-82, House Bill 924.
Occupational 0NCVPS Economics and Personal Finance -
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
The Economics and Personal Finance (EPF) course is intended to be a study of economics, personal finance, income and education, money management, critical consumerism, and financial planning. This course has been legislated by N.C. Session Law 2019-82, House Bill 924.
Occupational Preparation
Employment Preparation I: Science (to include 150 work hours) - 9260BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This course is designed to introduce students to the fundamental attitudes, behaviors, and habits needed to obtain and maintain employment in their career choice and make career advancements. Students participate in school-based learning activities including
work ethic development, job-seeking skills, decision- making skills, and self-management. Students are involved in on-campus vocational training activities such as school factories, work-based enterprises, hands- on vocational training and the operation of small businesses. Formal career planning and development of knowledge regarding transition planning begins in this course and continues throughout the strand of Employment Prep courses. Students will also begin their career portfolios and explore the six categories of employability skills.
Employment Preparation II: Citizenship 1A (to include 75 work hours) - 9261BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This course emphasizes the development of skills generic to all careers including resource management, communication, interpersonal skills, technology, stamina, endurance, safety, mobility, motor, teamwork, sensory, problem-solving, cultural diversity, information acquisition/management, and self- management. This course focuses on providing students with a repertoire of basic skills that serve as a foundation for future career applications. Students expand their school-based learning activities to include on-campus jobs and begin some work-based learning activities. Job seeking skills also continue to be refined. Students will continue developing their career portfolios and begin to apply developing skills from the six categories of employable skills.
Employment Preparation II: Citizenship 1B (to include 75 work hours) - 9262BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This course emphasizes the development of skills generic to all careers including resource management, communication, interpersonal skills, technology, stamina, endurance, safety, mobility, motor, teamwork, sensory, problem-solving, cultural diversity, information acquisition/management, and self- management. This course focuses on providing students with a repertoire of basic skills that serve as a foundation for future career applications. Students expand their school-based learning activities to include on-campus jobs and begin some work-based learning activities. Job seeking skills also continue to be refined. Students will continue developing their career portfolios and begin to apply developing skills from the six categories of employable skills.
Employment Preparation III: Citizenship 1A (to include 75 work hours) - 9263BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This course is designed to allow students to continue the development and begin the application of skills learned in Employment Prep I and II. Work- based learning activities are provided including community-based training, job shadowing, job sampling, internships, situational assessment, cooperative education, and apprenticeships. These work-based activities allow students to apply employability skills to competitive employment settings and demonstrate the effectiveness of their work personality. Multiple opportunities for leadership development and self-determination are provided. Students will continue work on their career portfolios and begin to independently apply skills mastered from studying the six categories of employable skills.
Employment Preparation III: Citizenship 1B (to include 75 work hours) - 9264BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This course is designed to allow students to continue the development and begin the application of skills learned in Employment Prep I and II. Work- based learning activities are provided including community-based training, job shadowing, job sampling, internships, situational assessment, cooperative education, and apprenticeships. These work-based activities allow students to apply employability skills to competitive employment settings and demonstrate the effectiveness of their work personality. Multiple opportunities for leadership development and self-determination are provided. Students will continue work on their career portfolios and begin to independently apply skills mastered from studying the six categories of employable skills.
Employment Preparation IV: Math (to include 150 work hours) - 9265BX0
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) must note enrollment in the Occupational Course of Study (OCS)
This course gives students the opportunity to synthesize all the skills acquired in previous Employment Prep courses and apply them to their personal career choice. This course allows students to solve work-related problems experienced in competitive employment, practice self-advocacy skills and master the theoretical practical aspects of their career choice. Students finish completing the 225 hours of integrated competitive employment in a community setting required for successful completion of the Occupational Course of Study. Students also develop a job placement portfolio that provides an educational and vocational record of their high school experience. Students will also engage in Person Centered/Driven Planning, and explore Federal regulations associated with public health in addition to finalizing career portfolios and transferring skills mastered from experience with the six categories of employability skills.
Academic Assistance
Academic Skills Strategies - 96102X015
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Must be noted in the student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
This course offers study skills and strategies for greater success in academic courses and for successful completion of the Standard Course of Study. Students will work on assignments and projects from their academic classes, as well as work toward the goals and objectives stated on their IEPs.
Literacy Strategies -
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: Must be noted in the student's Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
This is an academic support class that will include specific reading instruction to increase student engagement, fluency, and comprehension strategies such as summarizing, vocabulary analysis, questioning and critical analysis. In addition, students are taught study skills and classroom strategies that will help them achieve success in their academic course work. Students will work on assignments and projects from their academic classes, as well as work toward the goals and objectives stated on their IEP.
English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language - 10382X0 (Newcomer)
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: None
This course is for Comprehensive Level MLs, new to the English Language, within the first year in U.S. schools. The course will focus on the listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in English to give them a language and academic foundation to prepare their transition to content area classes. It is also an introduction to U.S. schools and American culture. This course is offered during both fall and spring semesters with continuous intake as newcomers arrive in the district.
English as a Second Language - 10382X0 (Intermediate)
Credit: 1 unit
Prerequisite: ESL Newcomer or Teacher Discretion
This course is a continuation of ESL Newcomer for Comprehensive/ Supportive Level MLs who are within the first two-three years in US schools and beginning to understand the English language and use it in a growing capacity. The course will include a focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to help students progress in social and academic contexts in English. An increased instructional focus on the WIDA Standards of the Language of ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies will be integrated.