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Orange County EC Pre-K

Pre-School Special Education

The Exceptional Children's Department is committed to providing developmentally appropriate practices within high quality early childhood services to the preschoolers in Orange County Schools. School districts must identify, determine eligibility for special education and directly serve children eligible for special education. The preschools special education staff partners with families and the community to build a strong foundation for the educational future of young children served in Orange County Schools.

If you have concerns about your child’s development and suspect a possible disability affecting language, cognitive, social, motor or adaptive living skills, please Contact: 

Jamie Bowers, Director of Exceptional Children for Pre-K and Elementary Services

Phone: 919-245-4006 X18004

Pre-Kindergarten Registration

Orange County Schools provides Pre-Kindergarten Services. Applications are available for the current and upcoming school year. There is no deadline to apply for Pre-K services and applications will continue to be accepted throughout the school year. 

You will be contacted if your child is eligible and there is an opportunity to enroll.

Current School Year (2024-25)

If your child will be attending Pre-K before June 7, 2025, click the button below to apply. 

2024-25 Pre-K Application Packet (English) 

2024-25 Pre-K Application Packet (Spanish)

Upcoming School Year (25-26)

If your child will be four (4) years old on or before August 31, 2025, click the button below to apply.

2025-26 Pre-K Application Packet (English)

2025-26 Pre-K Application Packet (Spanish)