Secondary Education
6 - 12 Course Registration and Graduation
Registration for course selection at the middle & high school levels begins in the Spring. Registration guides with core course requirements and exploratory/elective course offerings are available for students and parents to make an academic plan suited to the student needs and interests.
Fifth grade students and their parents will have opportunities to visit the middle school they will attend and meet with school counselors to select their sixth grade courses.
In addition to "Registration Information Nights" held at both high schools, school counselors visit middle schools to share course information with eighth grade students and answer questions.
6-12 Course Registration and Graduation Guides
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment is a plan which allows high school students to meet the requirements for high school graduation while at the same time earning college credit during the regular school day. Orange County Schools is currently involved in partnerships with two post-secondary institutions: Alamance Community College and Durham Technical Community College. These institutions will offer mutually agreed-upon courses for dual credit to eligible students during the fall and spring semesters of each academic year. Interested students should see their school counselor for more information.
Graduation Requirements
North Carolina high school students are expected to meet specific course and credit requirements and testing standards in order to graduate. These requirements differ depending on when students entered ninth grade for the first time. Over the past few years, the State and local Board of Education have changed graduation requirements to better reflect the skills and knowledge needed for success at community colleges, colleges and universities, and in business and industry.
All current Orange County Schools students not enrolled in the Occupational Course of Study program are required to have 28 credits for graduation. The course and credit requirements in place for students entering ninth grade in fall 2009 and later are commonly known as the Future-Ready Core. Students who entered ninth grade prior to fall 2009, though required to have the same number of credits to graduate, have different course requirements.
To better understand the course and credit requirements for graduation, visit:
State Board of Education Graduation Requirements and Orange County Schools Board of Education Policy (3460)
Parent and Student Resources
How do I enroll my child in courses for grades 6 - 12?
Supporting Student Achievement at the Secondary Level
Helping Your Teenager Write Better
Planning and Preparing for College
College Foundation of North Carolina
Free and Federal Student Aid ApplicatION
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Credit by Demonstrated Mastery
Credit by Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) is a State Board of Education policy (GCS-M-001.13) that was passed in October 2013.
CDM offers middle and high school students the opportunity to personalize and accelerate their learning by earning credit for a high school course through demonstrating mastery of course content, without being required to complete classroom instruction for a certain amount of seat time.
Students who wish to pursue CDM will need to show mastery of course content by completing two phases. In phase I, students must complete an exam of course content. In phase II, students must create a product/performance that exhibits a deeper understanding and application of course content.
Course Eligibility & Prerequisites
Students may earn CDM for all high school courses in grades 9-12 and high school courses offered in middle school in grades 6-8. The following courses are excluded from CDM:
● Career and Technical Education (CTE) work-based learning courses (co-op, internship, apprenticeship) ● CTE courses that have a clinical setting as a requirement of the course, such as Early Childhood Education I & II, and Nursing Fundamentals
● CTE Advanced Studies courses or any course without state technical standards
● English Language Learner (ELL) courses
● Healthful Living required courses
● AP/IB courses
For courses offered in a predetermined sequence, a student may only attempt to earn CDM for the next course in the sequence. For example, if a student has taken Math I and would like to attempt CDM for Math III, s/he would need to first successfully earn credit for Math II, either through CDM or traditional enrollment in the course.