"We see our schools as centers for culturally diverse learning where all students are educated to their fullest potential and as centers of our community around which we come together in support of the education of all students.
The concept of educational equity goes beyond formal equality to fostering a barrier-free environment where all students, regardless of their race, class, or other personal characteristics, have the opportunity to benefit equally in order to succeed and thrive.
Equity is critical to the success of our schools, our students, and our community."
(OCS Board Policy 1030, February 2019)
Dr. Sheldon Lanier
Chief of Equity and Student Achievement
Sheldon.Lanier@orange.k12.nc.us (919) 732-8126
Mr. Kumar R. Sathy (he/him/his) [click to hear pronunciation]
District Equity Facilitator
Kumar.Sathy@orange.k12.nc.us (919) 732-8126
OCS Equity Resources
Board Policy and Resolutions
Link to Policy 1030 - Equity In Orange County Schools
ACTION ITEMS to fulfill Equity in Education Board Resolution | Spanish (Last updated 3-5-21)
Board Resolution: Equity in Education | Spanish (Adopted September 14, 2020)
Board Resolution: Juneteenth | Spanish (Adopted June 7, 2021)
Board Resolution: Honoring Indigenous Peoples' Day 2021 and the Native Peoples of North Carolina | Spanish (Adopted October 11, 2021)
Board Resolution: To Address Harm Caused to Students by Incidents of Hostile and Racist Behavior | Spanish (Adopted October 11, 2021)