November 22, 2024
Dear Orange County Schools Seniors and Families,
We are excited to announce that traditional high school graduation for the Class of 2025 will be back in the Dean E. Smith Center at the University of North Carolina!
We are sharing this information as soon as possible to help you, your families, and your supporters plan for the best possible experience and celebrate your hard-earned achievements.
All rehearsals and ceremonies for Cedar Ridge High School and Orange High School will be located in the Dean E. Smith Center (“Dean Dome”) at UNC-Chapel Hill, 300 Skipper Bowles Dr, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.
Graduation ceremonies are scheduled for Friday, June 13, 2025 in the Dean Dome. Orange High School will graduate at 3:00 p.m. Cedar Ridge High School will graduate at 7:00 p.m. Rehearsals will be Thursday, June 12, 2025 in the Dean Dome. Orange High School will start at 9:00 a.m. Cedar Ridge High School will start at 11:00 a.m.
To find the most suitable indoor location for this year’s ceremonies, Orange County Schools has been in touch with nearly a dozen possible venues in three counties (Orange, Alamance, Durham), proposing various potential schedules. Due to limited seating, potential cost, and the dates available, none of those options were suitable.
We are happy to announce that while the Dean Dome was not originally open for any dates this year, collaboration with Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools has made this year’s venue and schedule a success. This is a big win for our graduating class!
The Dean Dome was unavailable for our graduations in June 2024, and Cedar Ridge and Orange High Schools moved ceremonies to our football fields.
While our stadiums had more seating than any indoor venues, we spent long hours last year in traffic lines and waiting in the sun before graduation. Additionally, the cost of graduation increased significantly because of the move to our campuses. We were also required to schedule two possible rain dates in case of bad weather.
In almost any other scenario, we would have needed to limit seating for friends and family with tickets for graduation in 2025. For an indoor venue with unlimited seating and handicapped accessibility, the Dean Dome offers the best possible experience for our ceremonies. To accommodate all the friends and family of our graduates, we are very pleased to return to the UNC campus for graduation this year.
We will continue to share information as soon as it becomes available here on the OCS website:
We wish you and your fellow members of the Class of 2025 the very best as you continue your studies and prepare for this celebration. Thank you as always for supporting your school and Orange County Schools!