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Beginning Teachers

What's Our Why?  

Beginning Teacher Training

Beginning Teacher Support is crucial for the retention of our teachers in their first through third years.

In Orange County Schools, we acknowledge and embrace that the single most important factor in assisting beginning teachers with professional growth is successful mentorship. 

We view the mentorship of beginning teachers as the collective responsibility of our entire school community. OCS Beginning Teachers will receive the support of Lead Mentors, Instructional Coaches, Administrators, and the Central Office. 

It is our goal to create a learning environment where new teachers can grow and flourish. OCS not only wants you to start your career with us, but we want you to stay in Orange County Schools for years to come.

Purpose of Beginning Teacher Support

The primary goal of the Orange County Schools (OCS) Beginning Teacher Support Program (BTSP) is to help new teachers improve their skills and build confidence to become successful educators.

We want to ensure that our newest faculty members have every opportunity to achieve success.  The BTSP seeks to build a qualified, experienced group of teachers who will improve student achievement.  In compliance with provisions established by the North Carolina State Board of Education under TCED-016, OCS will structure its service delivery focused on the following standards.

OCS Beginning Teacher Support


Mentorship Program for New Teachers

Partnership with NCNTSP

North Carolina New Teacher Support Program

NCNTSP is implemented by the University of North Carolina General Administration, in partnership with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). The program is organized and administered through a central NCNTSP office and four regional anchor sites located at UNC Institutions:

  • East Carolina University
  • UNC Center for School Leadership Development
  • UNC Greensboro
  • UNC Charlotte

Orange County Schools values its partnership with NCNTSP and will designate funding to serve beginning teachers.  

Partnering with NCNTSP is crucial in providing structured, targeted, and timely support to the unique needs of beginning teachers. Not only will NCNTSP coaches work directly with identified beginning teachers, but NCNTSP will also collaborate with school-based administrators, coaches, and lead mentors to engage in weekly coaching sessions with beginning teachers.

Furthermore, NCNTSP will provide professional development for our mentors throughout the calendar year to address specific topics unique to the growth of beginning teachers.  


For more information on Beginning Teacher Support for Orange County Schools, check out the OCS Beginning Teacher Support Plan


Rhonda Wood
Beginning Teacher and Mentor Support Coordinator
920 Corporate Dr., Hillsborough, NC 27278
(919) 245.4100 ext. 17507 | Website

OCS Beginning Teachers of the Year

Xavier Adams OHS Faculty

Xavier Adams, Orange High School
NCCAT North Carolina Beginning Teacher of the Year

Sarah Woody BTOY Grady A Brown Elementary

Sarah Woody, Grady A. Brown Elementary School

Layla Allen BTOY Cedar Ridge

Layla Allen, Cedar Ridge High School