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How To Become A Substitute

Substitute Teaching at Orange County Schools

Thank you for your interest in Substitute Teaching for the Orange County Schools. Substitute teachers are the unsung heroes of our school system. They’re talented individuals always ready to step up to the plate to provide coverage wherever needed. Relied upon by school administrators, teachers, and students alike, substitutes work seamlessly to adapt to any situation.  In Orange County Schools, we value our substitute teachers' role in ensuring our schools efficiently run when teachers need to be absent. 

A substitute teacher, by definition, is a temporary position, and employment is based on an as-needed basis. This means you can set your schedule.  Substitutes can work up to three full days a week unless otherwise recommended for a long-term substitute position.  We encourage you not to limit yourself to particular schools but rather try substituting in all our schools.

Salary Rates:

Daily Rates:

  • $120.00 per day for certified

  • $112.65 for non-certified 

Long-Term Rates:  (Click Here To Apply)

  • $200.00 per day for certified

  • $150.00 per day for non-certified

How Do I Apply?

Applying to be a substitute teacher at Orange County Schools is a straightforward process. First, complete an online application under 'Apply Now'. Once you have submitted your application, contact Ms. Phyllis Vincent, HC Classified Hiring/Substitute Coordinator ( Please provide three professional references, one of which must be from your current supervisor.  As part of the vetting process, you will be sent a link to complete an online background check.  Once all vetting is completed, your name will be presented to the Orange County Board of Education for approval.  

IMPORTANT NOTICE: In cooperation with the Federal immigration requirements established by the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration requiring all employers to verify both the identity and employment eligibility of all persons hired to work in the United States, Orange County Schools registers all new hires through United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. Verification must be completed within three days of the employee’s first day of employment. Employees without a complete I-9 Form will not be allowed to continue working past the third day of employment. 



Phyllis Vincent, Classified Hiring/Substitute Coordinator
Phone: (919) 732-8126, ext. 11504

OCS Values Our Substitute Teachers