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Inclement Weather Page

Inclement Weather Page

In case of snow or other potentially hazardous weather or emergency situations, we may close or delay school. We make the decision after consulting emergency services and area law enforcement. Additionally, our staff drives the roads to check local conditions.

Schools will be open on their regular schedule unless otherwise announced. As soon as the decision is made, we will:

  • notify local radio and television stations
  • update our website's front page
  • notify our schools, which will typically update their own websites and main phone lines

If the weather is bad enough to make a decision the day or night before, we will do so as early as possible, otherwise a decision will be made by 5:00 a.m.

In the event an inclement weather day warrants remote learning for staff and students, please use the following link to access important guidance for those instances.

Link to Temporary Remote Learning Guidance

(Aprendizaje a Distancia Temporal: Expectativas para los estudiantes, los padres y el personal, en español)

General Guidance:

Please don't call radio and TV stations.

They need their telephone lines left open to receive information from schools and businesses about schedule changes.

In case of a closing or delay


If school is delayed up to two hours: Breakfast may be served at the principal's discretion.

Before-School Activities

If school is canceled: The before-school activity will also be cancelled.

If school is delayed: The before-school activity may be cancelled or delayed by the same amount of time as the opening of school at the discretion of the activity leadership.

After-School Program

If school is canceled: The after-school program will not operate. The program will operate on the make-up days.

If school closes early: The after-school program will not operate. Parents are to pick up their children as soon as possible. 

If the Superintendent cancels all after-school activities: The after-school program will not operate. Parents are to pick up their children at the close of school.

Community Schools Evening Programs

Community Schools evening programs operate on a different schedule. Any change will be announced separately.

Athletic and Extracurricular Events 

If school is closed or dismissed early: Athletic and extracurricular events will be canceled.

Weekend Events

If school is closed or dismissed early, the district will provide additional notification to families about pre-scheduled weekend events and if they will continue, be delayed, cancelled and/or rescheduled. 

OCS Employees

OCS employees should report to work based on the district Inclement Weather Procedure. 

OCS employees are expected to use their best judgment in deciding whether to come to work.

They may take an annual leave day, take a non-paid day, or make up the day at a time agreeable with their supervisor.

Make-Up Days

Pre-determined days have been planned into the calendar year for traditional and year-round schools; however, they can change. 

All makeup days will be announced on the Orange County Schools website and social media.

Other Emergencies

In the event of a "tornado" warning Central Office personnel will use available data to determine if school will be dismissed.

Adverse weather conditions may be sufficient cause to hold students and busses at the schools until weather conditions permit safe travel for students and staff.