School Counseling
Orange County School Counselors are:
Professional School Counselors who create nurturing relationships with students that enhance academic achievement and personal success as globally productive citizens in the twenty-first century. They utilize leadership, advocacy, and collaboration, to promote academic achievement and personal success by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program that encompasses areas of academic, career, and personal/social development for all students according to the North Carolina Professional School Counseling Standards.
Professional School Counselors are a significant part of social and emotional learning, college and career development, and academic achievement of all students by providing:
School counseling classroom lessons based on student success standards
Direct and Indirect Services (Individual, Small Group and Classroom Guidance)
Management of emotions and interpersonal skills
Academic achievement strategies
Plan for postsecondary options (higher education, military, workforce)
Short-term counseling to students
Referrals for long-term support
Collaboration with families/teachers/ administrators/ community for student success
Advocacy for students at individual education plan meetings and other student-focused meetings
Data analysis to identify student issues, needs, and challenges
Acting as a systems change agent to improve equity and access, achievement, and opportunities for all students
More information about School Counselors and the work they do:
American School Counselor Association
North Carolina School Counselor Association
The Essential Role of Elementary School Counselors
The Essential Role of Middle School Counselors
The Essential Role of High School Counselors
(also available in Spanish)