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Section 504 and Homebound Services


Section 504 of the American Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is Civil Rights legislation intended to prohibit discrimination and to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. Section 504 states, “No otherwise qualified individual with a disability shall solely by reason of his/her disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” Since OCS receives federal dollars, it is required to provide eligible disabled students with equal access to services, programs, and activities offered by our district. Section 504 is a civil rights statute and not a special education statute. Therefore, it is the responsibility of regular education staff and building administration to implement those practices and procedures necessary for a school to fulfill the requirements of this law. It is also important to understand that schools receive no additional funding to implement Section 504 procedures or accommodations. At each school, the responsibility for ensuring Section 504 compliance rests with the building principal or principal’s designee. On the district level, ensuring that schools maintain compliance with Section 504 plans is the responsibility of the District Section 504 Coordinator and the Director of Student Engagement and Support. 

Each school in our district has a designated Section 504 Contact who implements the 504 process and oversees all 504 accommodation plans.

Section 504 Questions or Concerns

In OCS, we welcome parent input and all opportunities to collaborate to provide the most appropriate services to our students. If you have a question or concern about your child's Section 504 plan, here are some important steps toward resolution: 

  1. Contact the school level 504 Coordinator/School Counselor to ask questions or share concerns. 

  2. Speak to the classroom teacher if the question or concern is related to the 504 classroom accommodations.  

  3. If your attempts to speak to the School Counselor or Teacher have not been successful, contact the school Principal or appropriate school Administrator. 

  4. Contact Ms. Kim Degraffenried, District Section 504 Coordinator, for questions or concerns that could not be resolved at the school level. 919-732-8126 ext. 17508 or

Section 504 Resources

Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Elementary and Secondary Schools (ENGLISH)

Guía de recursos para padres y educadores sobre la Sección 504 en las escuelas primarias y secundarias (SPANISH)

NCDPI Resources (english & spanish)

Section 504 and Preparing for College (english & spanish)

SECTION 504 Notice of Non-discrimination

OCS Section 504 grievance procedures

Homebound Services for Section 504 and Non-EC Students

Orange County Schools provides a program of instruction to support school-aged students who are unable to  attend classes due to temporary injury or illness. To be eligible for homebound support, students must be or  anticipate being absent for an extended period, substantiated by a licensed physician. Homebound is not designed  to support students with brief absences of less than 20 consecutive days. The primary purpose is to maintain  access to a sound, basic education. The homebound program provides tutorial/instructional services so that the student can return to school with knowledge and skills to maintain his or her previous level of academic performance. To be  eligible for homebound support, students must be enrolled in public schools. Students receiving  homebound support will remain enrolled in their base school. Students remain the responsibility of the  permanent school of enrollment. 

If you would like to request homebound services for your student, please contact your child’s school counselor to schedule a meeting to discuss your students needs.