Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
Orange County Schools has partnered with Rethink Ed to provide a K-12 social and emotional learning curriculum that teaches students the important skills and knowledge to create healthy school climates, promote a greater awareness and understanding of mental health and wellness, and empower educators with training and instructional tools that drive whole school success.
Each month, K-12 students will receive SEL instruction that introduces Elementary students to positive character traits, reinforces those traits and introduces responsible decision making, self management, self awareness, social awareness and relationship building to middle school students and reinforces all skills learned but focusing on responsible decision making with high school students.
Rethink Ed has a Home Connection Newsletter, where parents can get information about the social and emotional lessons for each month and how to support their students at home. If you would like a Home Connection Newsletter, please contact your child's teacher or school counselor. A sample newsletter about an emotions lessons from each grade band is linked below:
The following links show the Rethink Ed Social and Emotional Learning scope and sequences (S&S) for elementary, middle, and high schools. Each school has one required lesson to teach each month. The S&S provides lesson order guidance for the schools but each school may choose a SEL lesson that best suits their needs. "Choice" and "Mental Health" Lessons are optional lessons schools can use as needed.
Also linked below are the Rethink Ed Parent Registration Guide and the NC DPI Portrait of a Graduate guide. Parents can create accounts in Rethink Ed to access SEL lessons and use the platform for themselves. The links provided in the document will walk you through the registration process. 5th-grade through 12th-grade SEL lessons in Rethink Ed are aligned with the NC Portrait of a Graduate durability skills. We recognize that soft skills learned through social and emotional learning are valuable skills for students to have as they transition into the workforce, post-secondary education, the military, and beyond.