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Board Notes - Regular Meeting for September 23, 2024

The Board posts all meeting materials to Simbli, and also displays a calendar of Board and committee meetings. Visit the Board’s page on Simbli for agendas and minutes. Minutes are attached to each meeting, after approval by the Board at a future meeting.


Hispanic Heritage Month/Empowering Our Latinx Voices

  • Every year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 through October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. We proudly celebrate this month with our students, families, staff, and community partners.

Calla Lundberg, Cedar Ridge High School - Regional Member 2024-2025, NCHSAA Student-Athlete Advisory Council

  • Sophomore Calla Lundberg will represent CRHS and Orange County Schools as one of 24 regional members of the statewide Student-Athlete Advisory Council. Peers work together and learn leadership and personal development skills from mentors to help foster positive sportsmanship, and a healthy balance between school, social life, and athletic competition.


The Board approved Consent Agenda items including meeting minutes, personnel report, a local articulation agreement with Durham Technical Community College, contracts, and policy updates.

To learn how the Board considers and adopts new and updated Board Policies, see Board Policy 2410.


Capital Budget Plan Update

Chief Operating Officer Fredrick Davis presented an update on the district’s 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The CIP is a strategic document that outlines the long-term vision and financial strategy for maintaining, upgrading, and/or replacing physical facilities. The plan is directed through facility assessments and community and administrative engagement. CIPs are refined through funding strategies that align with the district's goals and vision. See the CIP presentation slides here.

Bond Update

The 2024 Bond referendum, proposed by the Board of County Commissioners will ensure the outlined projects are financed adequately to address the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan(CIP). The CIP is based on high priority needs, safety and security, educational adequacy, and renovation of schools and facilities. Through bond financing and other appropriate funding sources, the district can effectively finance the replacement of outdated/inadequate facilities, ultimately enhancing the educational learning environment for students and the community as a whole.

For a discussion of capital projects with potential timelines, see the bond presentation slides here.

Ombuds Office Update

The Board of Education created the role of a district Ombuds with the adoption of Policy 7960: “The purpose of the Ombuds position is to provide employees with access to an independent, impartial individual who can help facilitate a confidential and informal resolution of concerns, conflicts, and issues arising within Orange County Schools (OCS), and who is authorized to bring systemic and organizational concerns to the attention of the Superintendent and Board.”

Four guiding principles characterize the office of the ombuds: independent, impartial, informal, and confidential. Learn more from the first quarterly Ombuds report here.

Infinite Campus Update

The NC Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) is implementing a new Student Information System (NCSIS) called Infinite Campus, to replace PowerSchool statewide. Orange County Schools is in the cohort of districts in Phase I of implementation, shifting over to the new NCSIS for the 2024-2025 school year. 

The process began in February 2024 and will continue throughout the school year, as staff, students, and families become familiar with the new system. The core experience for families happens in Campus Parent, which is a downloadable app and also available in any web browser.

For a detailed look at the steps in this process and sample screens from Campus Parent, visit the presentation slides here.

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