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Efland-Cheeks Elementary duo sings National Anthem at Wreaths Across America Relay

Christian Adkins and Amarah White, two Efland-Cheeks Global Elementary students have had quite the musical year. Last month, the duo performed in the NC Elementary Honors Chorus and on December 10, they sang the National Anthem for the Wreaths Across America relay ceremony hosted by the Walmart distribution center in Mebane.

Wreaths Across America is a non-profit organization that honors fallen U.S. Veterans through annual wreath-laying ceremonies nationwide at the gravesites of veterans nationwide and around the world, providing education on veterans and other acts of remembrance. Their mission is to “Remember the fallen, Honor those who serve, and Teach the next generation the value of freedom.”

After the presentation of colors by a military Color Guard, attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance. The student duo proudly sang the anthem to enrich the ceremony with a soundtrack played by music teacher Cheri Thomas, and after speakers the relay continued on its solemn voyage.

About Wreaths Across America:

The event was conceived in 1992 when Morill Worcester of the Worcester Wreath Company donated 5,000 wreaths to be laid at the Arlington National Cemetery. This year, millions of wreaths are being relayed to veterans’ graves at sites in all 50 states and abroad with millions of volunteers participating.

Walmart has been a partner for the last 17 years, and this was the first time the Mebane distribution center has been a relay location. Drivers participated in a ceremonial hand-off of individual wreaths to represent the thousands of wreaths carried in their trailers for distribution further along the relay route.

“This week, 118 Walmart drivers will be delivering more than 100,000 wreaths to 28 locations, stopping at 48 Walmart transportation offices along the way,” said Katherine Rush, Transportation Area Manager at the Mebane Walmart Distribution Center.

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