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New Leaders and Roles Announced in Central Services Departments

Orange County Schools is proud to announce the following recommendations by Superintendent Dr. Danielle Jones for district leadership and departmental reorganization, recently approved by the Orange County Board of Education.

Dr. Jones said, “I am grateful to these dedicated leaders for their commitment to Orange County Schools. They bring experience and sound judgment to the work of serving our students, families, and staff, and I am confident that they will help guide our district in the right direction.”

Connie Brimmer-Kaltz

Connie Brimmer-Kaltz, Executive Director of Staffing and Licensure

In Human Resources, Connie Brimmer-Kaltz has been promoted to Executive Director of Staffing and Licensure effective January 14, 2025, after serving as Director of Staffing and Licensure since 2017. Previously, Mrs. Brimmer-Kaltz led Pathways Elementary as principal starting in 2004 and served as district Principal of the Year in 2012. She began teaching in Chatham County Schools and joined OCS as a teacher, then assistant principal, at C.W. Stanford Middle School. She earned a bachelor’s degree in middle school math/science education from East Carolina University and master’s in school administration from UNC-Chapel Hill. Ms. Brimmer-Kaltz will continue leading a team that focuses on recruiting and retaining excellent staff and providing professional learning and support for teacher licensure. 


Keisha Banks

Keisha Banks, Exceptional Children Director of Secondary Schools

Keisha Banks was promoted to Director of Exceptional Children effective November 4, 2024, and assigned the newly created role of Exceptional Children Director of Secondary Schools, overseeing support for all middle and high schools, effective January 14, 2025. Ms. Banks previously taught in Guilford County Schools and Alamance-Burlington School System, and worked as a program facilitator for four high schools in Durham Public Schools. She has served OCS as an EC teacher, program specialist, and assistant director, and she was Chief Special Education Officer of Exceptional Children for ABSS from 2018 to 2022. She holds bachelor’s degrees in psychology and special education from NC A&T State University, her master’s degree in special education from High Point University, and special education program administrator.


Jamie Bowers

Jamie Bowers, Exceptional Children Director of Pre-K and Elementary Services

Jamie Bowers was named the Exceptional Children Director of Pre-K and Elementary Services, overseeing support for all pre-K classrooms and elementary schools, effective January 14, 2025. Ms. Bowers most recently served as Lead Exceptional Children’s Facilitator (Secondary) in Durham Public Schools since 2022, and as a Director in multiple roles for Edenton-Chowan Schools starting in 2015. She was an assistant principal and principal in Edenton-Chowan Schools between 2011 and 2015, after serving as an instructional assistant, bus driver, EC teacher and program facilitator in Nash-Rocky Mount Schools starting in 2001. Ms. Bowers holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from UNC-Chapel Hill, master’s degree in school administration from East Carolina University, and licensure as a principal, K-12 administrator, and superintendent.

In their respective roles, Ms. Banks will supervise staff in schools and Ms. Bowers will oversee select district EC staff. Both directors will report to Stacey Burns, Executive Director of Exceptional Children and Pre-K Services.


Khristina Grant

Khristina Grant, Director of Finance

Khristina Grant has been named to the new role of Director of Finance effective December 11, 2024. She was named Senior Accountant for the City of Burlington earlier in 2024 and previously served Orange County Schools since 2022 as Assistant Finance Officer, after her tenure as an internal auditor and accounting analyst starting in 2017. Ms. Grant previously worked in Alamance-Burlington School System as a school bookkeeper and lead secretary starting in 2013, and she has a bachelor’s degree in sociology from UNC Greensboro.


Lewis Newman

Lewis Newman, Director of Health/Physical Education, Athletics, and Driver’s Education

Lewis Newman has been named to the new role of Director of Health/Physical Education, Athletics, and Driver’s Education, effective January 1, 2025. Since 2001, Mr. Newman has taught health and PE, coached a variety of sports including football, lacrosse, basketball, baseball, and golf, and served as Athletic Director for middle and high schools: at Mendenhall Middle School and Grimsley High School in Guilford County Schools, and at Chapel Hill High School in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. He will lead a new department that now reports to Dr. Julie Pack, Chief Academic Officer.

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