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Collage of three high school students on graduation day

Rising 9th Grade Transition

Transitioning from middle school to high school is an exciting time in every student's life as they look toward the next four years of their journey. As that moment approaches, we expect students and families to have plenty of questions. Good news! Orange County Schools is here to support you during this time. 

Middle and high school counselors are ready and well-equipped to answer your questions and to meet with your student to discuss their academic options. 

Throughout February, high schools will welcome rising 9th grade students and families in a number of ways. Students will become familiar with staff, high school life, and more during tours and class meetings. Parents and guardians, you can attend Family Nights to learn about your child's pathways to success in high school.

Rising 9th Grade 2025 Transition Flyer English
Rising 9th Grade 2025 Transition Flyer Spanish

Upcoming Events

High School Tours for Students

On Wednesday, February 5th, students will have tours at their base high school*. All students will need signed permission slips to attend:

  • February 5, 10:45-11:45 a.m.: Orange Middle School and A.L. Stanback
  • February 5, 1:30-2:30 p.m.: Gravelly Hill Middle School
* Base school IS based on the student's home address.

Student's Four-Year Plan

From February 10 to March 1, middle school counselors will meet with 8th grade classes to help every student develop their own unique, four-year academic plan.

Contact your school's counselor for any questions or to set up an Academic Planning Meeting. See below for details.

Family Nights for Parents/Guardians

Students and families are invited to attend a family night with their high school! Families will be able to visit high schools, become familiar with staff and learn more about the high school transition! By attending, you'll be able to: 

  • Meet teachers, staff, counselors and administrators
  • Learn about curriculum expectations 
  • Discover available courses 
  • and much more! 

Cedar Ridge High School: Wednesday, February 5 at 5:30 p.m. 
Orange High School: Wednesday, February 12 at 6:00 p.m.

Visit High School Websites

School Counselor Contact Information

OCS Family Academy: A Night with OCS Principals

Check out this presentation from the OCS Family Academy: A Night with the OCS Principals! In this presentation, you'll learn about the differences between middle and high school, discover available pathways and much more!